
LipPass Can Unlock Your Phone By Tracking Your Lips

Researchers at Shanghai Jiao Tong University have debuted a new type of smartphone authentication, one that will let you unlock your phone simply by moving your lips.

Instead of relying on voice or full facial features, LipPass analyzes the way sound bounces off a person’s mouth, compiling a so-called Doppler profile.

“Since each person exhibits unique speaking behaviors—like lip protrusion and closure, tongue stretch and constriction, as well as jaw angle changes—this creates a unique Doppler effect profile that can be detected by the phone. The platform then uses a deep learning algorithm, which extracts distinct features from of the user’s Doppler profile as he or she speaks,” explains IEEE Spectrum.

In tests, this new type of authentication achieved a 95.3 accuracy score, which is extremely impressive.

On the security front, “the overall spoof success rate was less than 10 percent, though attacks that used the third method—a recording of the user’s Doppler profile—did succeed nearly 20 percent of the time under controlled, laboratory conditions.”

Of course, such a failure rate is common for new technology, though it does make it unlikely that LipPass is going to be implemented in smartphones anytime soon.

Also read: ✍3 Ways To Use Mobile Authentication Safely with Xperi’s Sumat Mehra✍

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