
Momentum Fuel Source Propels Deep Space Flight Into a New Era

Credit: Momentus

Mikhail Kokorich is a physicist that grew up in Siberia and graduated from the notorious Novosibirsk University in Russia. He is also the founder of Momentum,  a company that promotes a new type of propulsion technology developed for space flight. What makes it stand out is the fact that it uses water as propellant.



Of course, using water as fuel comes with a lot of benefits. Water is abundant in outer space to begin with and it is a much cheaper option for flights that go beyond the Earth’s low orbit.

Kokorich says that “If you move something with a сhemiсаl booster stаge to the moon. Сhemiсаl propulsion is good when you need to hаve a very high thrust.

Besides, technologies such as Phase 4 that use Xenon gas are very expensive and also take more time. According to Kokorich, ionized propulsion takes months, while water can half the time.

Kokorich’s company signed an agreement with ECM Space that will help the company carry out its first test flight on a micro-satellite, sometime in early 2019. The Russian physicist has big plans for Momentum – he hopes that with water as a power source, they can build the foundations for cislunar and interplanetary travel.

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