
Multiplayer Data Found in Last of Us 2 Files

PC: PlayStation

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Multiplayer-related files have been found by within The Last of Us Part II, giving clues to what may end up being Naughty Dog’s standalone multiplayer title.

According to Kotaku, content creator Speclizer found several multiplayer assets within The Last of Us Part II’s files. These assets included a map, which included several large single player locations connected in one space. There was also other data, including a compass and player count, which Speclizer says “is usually only used in battle royales.”

In their search of the files, Speclizer also found other multiplayer-related assets, including items like a “listen-mode device,” a “collar,” and a “handheld-TV,” each seemingly taking a trait or enemy from the game and turning it into a useable item. There are also signs of a backpack, armor, and helmet models, posted on Twitter.

Speclizer posted all their findings on their channel on YouTube.

These finds seems to align with earlier job listings indicating Naughty Dog was moving towards making a multiplayer game.

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Multiplayer Data Found in Last of Us 2 Files

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