
New Pokémon Snap Release April 30th!

PC: The Pokémon Company

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New information on New Pokémon Snap has just dropped on the Official Pokémon YouTube channel!

New Pokémon Snap is the successor to the Nintendo 64 cult classic, Pokémon Snap. The conceit of both games is that you are a photographer trying to capture photos of Pokémon as they exist in the wild.

New Pokémon Snap looks to keep in line with the original, not deviating too much from the formula. Even the original rail shooter, track-based movement, remains the same, with players seemingly following a set path as they try to encounter the Pokémon.

What New Pokémon Snap does bring is a lot of new Pokémon as seven new generations of Pokémon have released since the original. This means more unique Pokémon interactions, like a Pichu and Grookey playing together, or a Torchic roasting an apple.

It is not surprising that these interactions and dynamic character animations were the highlight of the mini-showcase. Pokémon Snap is well remembered as bring life to some Pokémon in the video game universe as previously Pokémon were largely 2D sprites. New Pokémon Snap appears to do the same with Pokémon nowadays, given the controversy surrounding the latest mainline Pokémon games and their lackluster animations.

Fans won’t have to wait too long as New Pokémon Snap is set to release April 30th, 2021.

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New Pokémon Snap Release April 30th!

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