Smart Life

Snap Brings New Spectacles For A Spectacular Summer

Summer season is upon us and Snap Inc. is ready! The company just confirmed previous rumors and announced Spectacles 2.0, a new and improved wearable. #objectmagic

From its previous iteration, Spectacles 2.0 improves on almost all aspects. The second-generation Spectacles allow you to take photos with a resolution of 1642 x 1642px, while the video capability stops at 10 or 30-second videos at 1216 x 1216px and 60fps. The new wearable also comes with a second microphone for better audio quality and the data transfer over Wi-Fi is up to four times faster.

There’s enough storage space (4GB) to take 3,000 pictures or 150 videos, while the battery itself lets you record up to 70 videos on a single charge. The charging case, now 20% smaller, will be able to “revive” the glasses about four times before needing to be recharged.

Aesthetically, the new frames are lighter and can be worn in a pool thanks to its better IP rating. There are a few customization options available, so you can make the pair suit your personality. The new Spectacles are available in Onyx, Ruby and Sapphire, and have two different lens shades options.

For all these improvements, the Spectacles 2.0 will cost $150, $20 more than the price of the original Snap Spectacles. You can buy them now on their website!

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