
Nintendo Claims It Has Improved Its Joy-Cons

PC: Nintendo

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Nintendo has announced the Switch’s joy-cons have been improved!

According to a report by VGC, Nintendo’s Technology Development Division general manager and deputy general manager Ko Shiota and Toru Yamashita, respectively, spoke about the updates the company has made to its joy-cons control sticks since launch.

Although the joy-con’s analogue sticks will naturally wear over time, the development has tried to make the parts more durable and use different reliability testing in order to combat joy-con drift. While no new buttons or features have been added to the joy-con since launch, updated internal components have made the joy-cons more durable according to Shiota and Yamashita. This is the same with the Pro Controller

Additionally, any time a joy-con is sent in for repair, new versions of parts of used in the repair process.

Currently shipped Switch family systems and controllers now come with the improved analogues stick.

Nintendo Switch joy-cons have been notorious for their drift, so much so that Nintendo previously acknowledged it as an issue. While Nintendo has offered to repair joy-cons affected by joy-con drift, several repair locations have been temporarily closed because of COVID-19.

Previously, beyond repair, there were often few alternatives other than purchasing a set of new joy-cons or doing DIY fixes. The issue was so prominent, however, that the joy-cons were expected to end up drifting regardless.

Hopefully, the fixes to durability will actually make a difference in preventing joy-con drift in the long run.

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Nintendo Claims It Has Improved Its Joy-Cons

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