
Nintendo Switch Firmware Update 12.0.3 Still Has Problems

PC: Nintendo

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A few days ago, we reported on an issue with Nintendo Switch firmware update 12.0.3. Essentially, Nintendo released the firmware update, stopped its distribution suddenly, then restarted it soon after.

Ideally, this would be to catch any issues the firmware may cause. Unfortunately, Nintendo Life reports that users are running into problems with downloading and updating games, or Nintendo Switch Error 2123-1502.

The article points to several online forums, including this one on Nintendo Life’s own forums and this one on Reddit, where users have collected anecdotal data supporting the idea that this issue is related to the update.

Solutions to this issue are currently homemade, meaning that Nintendo has yet to provide an official solution or update that works on all consoles. Some users have suggested continuously retrying the download until it works while others say clearing the cache on the Switch also helps.

It is unclear when Nintendo will rectify this issue, likely with another firmware update.

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Nintendo Switch Firmware Update 12.0.3 Still Has Problems

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