
Nintendo Switch Online July 2021 Games Are Claymates, Jelly Boy, and Kablooey

PC: Nintendo

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Nintendo announced their new additions to Nintendo Switch Online: Claymates, Jelly Boy, and Kablooey. All three titles comes from the Super NES era.

Claymate is a platformer where you turn into clay to navigate the obstacles. Transform into several different animals and forms to be able to traverse the terrain.

Jelly Boy is also a platformer and has a similar transformation/power-up mechanic. Indeed, the shape-changing powers are necessary to fight off enemies and open up pathways to escape the candy factory.

Bombuzal (or Kablooey) is a puzzle game where you have to blow up the land you are on without blowing yourself up!

All three games will be available July 28th.

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Nintendo Switch Online July 2021 Games Are Claymates, Jelly Boy, and Kablooey

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