
Sci-Fi PS5 Dev Kit Look Is Confirmed Thanks to Leaked Picture

PS5 Dev Kit Render
source: LetsGoDigital

As rumors go, we can’t wait to confirm the ones surrounding PlayStation 5. In that rush, we stumbled upon the first real-life pic of the PS5 dev kit in the wild, ahem, on Twitter. And guess what: it confirms the weird, sci-fi, V-shaped renders leaked a while ago.  

It seems that one developer couldn’t care less about not leaking the PS5 dev kit on the Internet. So, he shared it with one user who then posted it casually online, stirring up gamers and media outlets alike:

Yep, these are two physical dev kits side by side confirming the design many of you either loved or hated completely months ago. Why go with this new form? One, it makes stacking easier for dev tests and two, it cools faster, being able to get heat out from the sides and the center.  

However, this might not be the actual shape of the final, retail-ready Sony PS5. Many times, dev kits differ from the products that end up in consumers’ homes. So, there’s still hope for those of you who loved the traditional design of previous PlayStation consoles.

There’s also a controller in the pic posted which might actually be the DualShock 5 one we talked about recently. If you remember, it was a slightly improved version of the DualShock 4 controller with new haptic motors and headphone jacks.   

As for the specs of PS5, these include a new CPU and GPU, 3D audio, a solid state driver for faster rendering and backward compatibility.

There are also voices stating the new console will provide built-in support for video game streaming through the inclusion of cameras, but take it with a pinch of salt.

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