
Siri Can Now Be Asked To Play Spotify


Spotify released a new update that introduces support for iOS 13 and allows users to ask Siri to play albums and playlists via voice commands.

This means that now all users will be able to ask Siri to perform a song / album on Spotify, provided you remember to specify the name of the application, otherwise the reproduction will be done by default using Apple Music.

Before, the SiriKit for audio apps was only exclusive to Apple Music but now the Siri integration will work with the iPhone, iPad, CarPlay and AirPods,. However, it seems that HomePod is yet to recognize the Spotify requests made via Siri. 

To use Spotify with Siri , just install the update and then ask to play an album or a song “with Spotify”. The update also allows hands-free control via the Apple TV app. The app can be downloaded directly from the tvOS App Store and will allow you to take advantage of the service even on your TV.

The update also brings support for the limited data consumption mode introduced on iOS 13 ; now Spotify will use less data when it detects the active system setting.

The integration with Siri works well on iPhones and with Air Pods headphones, where you can quickly call up the digital assistant with the “Hey, Siri ” command. This functionality – at least for now – doesn’t seem to be incompatible with Apple Watch watches .

The new function is currently only available exclusively for the users who are part of the beta testing program on TestFlight but it will most likely become widely available for everyone else soon. 

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