
Steam Cloud Play Enters Beta And Partners Up with GeForce Now


The idea of a cloud-based way to play games from your Steam Library has been floating around for some time now. Valve appears to have taken the speculation to heart, letting loose what the company names Steam Cloud Play. 

In the most recent patch that Steam received, Steam Cloud Play was included as an unannounced feature. With this new add-on and the recent Steam Cloud function, it all clicks together. 

Cloud Play will start with a limited amount of games, due to the limited server capacity and its ongoing partnership with GeForce Now (GFN). The Nvidia stream hub that also allows users to stream games from the Steam library. 

Nvidia GeForce NOW offers its services in North America, Western Europe, and the Asia Pacific territories. And any interaction between the two services will be done through the GeForce Now client. 

To note that you need to pay for a GFN subscription, this being the reason that some game developers chose to opt-out of the digital publishing deal offered by Nvidia.  In essence, Steam Cloud Play and GeForce Now made friends and now can use each other’s facilities to stream video-games. This is the short of it. 

In the long run, the user is the one who benefits the most from this partnership. The cloud services allow Steam users to play their Steam library in the cloud, one game at a time, like they can on their main PC. Also, developers must manually opt-in the games they wish to make available on GeForce NOW.

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