
Tesla Model S Bursts into Flames by Itself

tesla model 3

It’s expected for vehicles that go through severe crashes to sometimes catch on fire regardless of their powertrain, but when a vehicle just starts burning up for no apparent reason, that’s a different problem altogether.

A Tesla Model S that was parked in a Shanghai underground garage was recorded by a security camera catching on fire – the car was not charging at the time the incident happened, though the fire does look like it started in the battery pack area, which is placed at the bottom of the vehicle. In the video, you can see smoke puffing out from behind both front wings of the car.

The fire not only destroyed the car completely, but also damaged the vehicles parked around it, as it can be seen in the video below, which was filmed in the aftermath of the incident.

Tesla’s Weibo account was quick to reply to the incident, stating that they have ‘dispatched a team to the scene last night as soon as possible. We are actively liaising with the relevant departments and cooperating with the verification of the situation. According to the current information, there were no casualties.’

Freak incidents do happen, but the thing is, this is not the first Tesla car to randomly catch on fire: back in February 2019, a Tesla owner from Pittsburgh woke up to see his garage was in flames.

While the Tesla was damaged, the vehicle was transported to a nearby shop for inspection, where it apparently caught on fire yet again.

David Bozzak, an engineer who was involved in the investigation said that “A Tesla engineer removed the fuse from the battery pack prior to transport, indicating that would make the car safe for transport. We brought it here to Monroeville, arrived around 3:30 in the afternoon, and about 6:20, the car spontaneously caught fire.

Tesla has yet to make an official statement that would detail exactly what caused its vehicles to spontaneously combust for no reason.

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