
First iPhone 12 Pro Unboxing Hits The Web 12 Hours Before Launch

Youtube @Ben Geskin

The launch of the iPhone 12 Pro is just around the corner.

A few hours separate the public from the brand new, shiny iPhone 12 Pro, and some lucky customers received a few units before the intended launch date.

Even better, one user was kind enough to share the iPhone 12 unboxing with the rest of us. Ben Geskin posted today two videos that go into detail about the unboxing experience you can expect from these Apple products. 

The first video, as seen below, was posted about the iPhone 12 Pro 5G Graphite edition. 

Ben didn’t go into great detail about the phone and elected to just parade the phone in front of the camera. No OS, not power on, no nothing. But at least now we know how it looks in front of a camera before launch! 

Still, we got a few more insights about what’s in the box of the iPhone 12 inblue. The presentation didn’t make any deviations from the previous video but it’s nice to see a different model. 

According to the channel, the iPhone 12 Pro looks amazing, with flat stainless steel edges and new paper screen protector instead of the old plastic.

Want to know more?

Unfortunately,  Ben Geskin did not offer any extra info, so you’ll have to wait a bit more. In just a few hours, the reviews will start to come out, so you can make an informed opinion about the latest Apple launch.

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