The MarsCat Robot Cat Was Pawsitively A Star At CES 2020

Tech shows always entertain with robots and robotic dogs like the Aibo were the usual attendees.

But what about cats?

At this year’s CES, the balance was restored through MarsCat.

What it lacks in fuzziness it makes up in adorable-ness, which is surprising, since its makers haven’t done a robotic pet project so far.

Elephant Robotics, the MarsCat creators, are a company focused on industrial robots that work alongside humans in factories, and the robotic kitten is their first consumer oriented product.

That makes the MarsCat even more impressive!

It’s completely autonomous, can respond to touch and voice, plays with toys and watches you just as intently as a real life cat.

marscat robotic cat

Elephant Robotics is funding this bionic cat through Kickstarter and obviously making bank (the Internet’s love of cats knows no bounds!).

The company already raised more than $130K against its $20K goal.

Through Kickstarter, the MarsCat bionic robot cat is available at a 46% discount for $699. 

It’s not cheap but consider there’s no litter box duty involved with owning a robot cat!

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