
This Case Turns Mobile Devices In Smellphones That Pick Up Nasty Scents

First, it seemed a delayed April Fools’ joke. Then, just a concept for an ad. Now, people are starting to believe manufacturer Nivea actually created a phone case that can detect bad smells a.k.a BO #mobilemagic

Called the Nivea Men Nose, the black smartphone case has special sensors that act like an electronic nose notifying the user when their sweat smells off. All a user has to do is activate the Nivea app, put the smartphone near his armpits and wait for a verdict: ‘It’s OK’, ‘It’s Time’ or ‘It’s urgent’. The technology behind this system relies on an analysis that takes into account a database of scents from other 4,000 males.

Why do you need the app? According to Nivea, it’s hard to detect your own body odor, especially if you’re a guy. Men sweat more than women, yet are 40% less conscious of their BO. For now, a beta version of the Nose has been seen in Belgium and if all goes well, the company hopes to release the technology on the market this year, with the app working on both AppStore and Google Play.

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