
Thousands of Sophia Robots Will Come in 2021 to Help Us with COVID-19 Pandemic

source: Cyndy Sandor (Hanson Robotics)

The COVID-19 pandemic has definitely challenged companies and individuals to find more ways to keep themselves and others safe and healthy. In the case of Hanson Robotics, the answer to exposing people less to the virus is to use robots like Sophia, the humanoid robot that took the world by storm.

Sophia, the robot that made out with none other than Will Smith, will be mass-produced this year. In fact, by the end of 2021, Hanson Robotics said they will have three other models, besides her, rolling out of factories and landing into our world.

What will they do when they arrive?

Work in the healthcare sector, as will be the case of robot Grace, but also assist customers in the retail and airlines industry.

And if you think Hanson Robotics will stick to a dozen or so robots deployed in certain fields and countries, youre wrong.

The intention is to sell “thousands” of robots in 2021, both large and small.

It’s a mad, mad world out there and it’s set to become even more curious with the addition of humanoid robots left and right.

But the reality is the coronavirus outbreak has made robotic help a necessity.

Already, robots like Pepper and CloudMinds have joined the fight. SoftBank Robotics’ machine was used to detect people that were not wearing masks. CloudMinds, on the other hand, offered help in a hospital in Wuhan, during the coronavirus outbreak.

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Thousands of Sophia Robots Will Come in 2021 to Help Us with COVID-19 Pandemic

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