
Eek! Will Smith Kisses Sophia The Robot

With all the dating apps and social media platforms, technology has made dating easier than ever before. Albeit jokingly, people have even started dating technology! Just watch how Will Smith tries to kiss Sophia the Robot while on a beautiful date in the Cayman Islands in his recently posted video blog, or “vlog.”

To be fair to Will Smith, Sophia’s profile sounds amazing. She wants “to go out into the world and live with people” and her goal is to “live, learn, and grow in the world so that [she] can realize [her] dream of becoming an awakening machine.” The Hanson Robotics cyborg’s conversational skills seem natural and fluid, using artificial intelligence to learn how humans converse. Her witty banter and knowledge of Will Smith’s professional history make the date so entertaining.

From Sophia to robots acting human and performing human tasks or besting professional basketball players at their own game, it’s incredible to think how far robot technology has come. Robots have even become so human-like that cities have implemented a “robot tax” to fund those who lose their jobs to robots.

In any case, Sophia’s brief encounter with Will Smith was much better than her date with Jimmy Fallon. You can watch that date below.

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