
TikTok Rubbed Off on Spotify: Here’s What the Latest Update Does

credit: Unsplash

TikTok rubbed off on Spotify – the social media platform has “inspired” the music service to work on an update that can provide users with a veeery similar music video feed.

This developer noticed first that Spotify added a new feature to their mobile app. The fourth tab on the bottom of the app is called Discover and should help users find new music videos worth liking or just flipping through.

The scrolling mechanism, however, is a dead copy after TikTok and the rest of the popular social media platforms. What I mean is it’s an endlessly scrolling vertical video feed which, granted, should prove to be quite successful considering the current user experiences.

Even if the new vertical feed is a pretty glaring TikTok copy, we can’t blame Spotify too much. It actually makes sense for them to implement such a feature – after all, their music goes hand in hand with videoclips.

And hey, TikTok started in a similar manner – didn’t they make short videos with fun music edits the best past time for the Gen Z?

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TikTok Rubbed Off on Spotify: Here’s What the Latest Update Does

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