
TikTok To Finally Share Ad Revenue with Content Creators

Although it’s one of the most popular social media apps out there, TikTok doesn’t really let content creators monetize their content directly and easily..

That’s set to change, as TikTok just unveiled TikTok Pulse, an advertising program like content creators and marketers expect from a social platform.

With TikTok Pulse, content creators and publishers who have at least 100,000 followers will be able to get a share of the ads shown on their content.

As for the ads, marketers will be able to buy inventory (ad placements) in the top 4% of the videos on the platform in a few select categories. The TikTok videos with ads you’ll see in the beginning will be from the gaming, beauty, fashion and cooking categories, with more to probably follow soon.”This finally offers marketers something they have been asking for for years — to be part of a community,” said Sofia Hernandez, TikTok’s head of business marketing, in the announcement.

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“Our proprietary inventory filter ensures that TikTok Pulse ads are running adjacent to verified content with our highest level of brand suitability applied on the platform.

Additional post campaign measurement tools such as third party brand suitability and viewability verification provide advertisers the opportunity and transparency to analyze and understand the impact of their campaigns,” explains the company.

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TikTok To Finally Share Ad Revenue with Content Creators

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