
Trade War With China Will Push GPU Prices Even Higher

Credit: Intel

The trade war between China and The United States is in full bloom and we will see the results pretty soon, with semiconductor parts and PC component prices expected to skyrocket.

Motherboards, graphic cards, storage devices, power supplies, chassis, wireless routers and more will suffer a 10% increase in tariff starting September 24. The full list of goods that will be hit with the tariff can be found on the USTR.gov website.

Previously: ✍️Trump’s Trade War Expected To Massively Impact Prices of Chinese Tech in The U.S✍️

If the trade war between the two countries will not be resolved by January 1st, the tariffs are expected to raise to 25% and, though Apple will be getting exemptions for their products, others will definitely not be that lucky.

Most companies are rushing to move manufacturing to countries like Taiwan, Vietnam or India in order to avoid the tariffs but the time is extremely short of most of them to be able to move it on time.

The U.S is set to lose a lot, including big names like Zotac, HIS and Sapphire, all of which have headquarters in Hong Kong, so no matter how they would try to move around it, they will feel the impact of the trade war.

NVIDIA for example, already has set pretty high prices for their cards, and the trade war will do nothing but produce a further spike, which will most likely result in a decrease in sales.

Some companies might find ways to skip the worse effects of the tariffs, but it looks like everything is happening too fast for everyone to manage to secure themselves a good deal.

Related: ✍️China and U.S Trade War: Jack Ma Takes Back Promise To Bring 1 Million Jobs To The U.S✍️

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