
Uber Lite Launched, Uses Just 5 MB of Storage

Uber Lite was just launched in India, in a bid by Uber to bring on their ride-sharing platform millions of new users with a slow internet connection.

Occupying 5 MB or the same storage space as “just 3 selfies”, in Uber’s words, Uber Lite will help riders relying on bad connectivity or limited data plans to hail rides. Because of the low space, the app replaces the map that shows the driver’s position with a progress bar and, if it can’t detect your position, it will send you towards popular pickup points.

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Another convenient feature is the tap over type.

“The app caches the city’s top places so that even when you are offline, no network is needed for them to surface. And the more you use Uber Lite, the smarter the app gets, learning where you go most often and surfacing those options for you to tap first, so you don’t have to type your destination every time,” explains Uber.

The move probably comes as a response to Ola, another ride-sharing service, who launched a similar lite app earlier this year.
Because iPhones did not gain much traction in India, Uber Lite is now only available on Android phones.

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For those outside of India, Uber says they’ll launch Uber Lite later this year. Seeing how the regular Uber app has more than 180 MB, something tells us a lot of users are going to switch over to Uber Lite to save on storage, even if their data connection is just fine.

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