
Watch Vertical Aerospace’s Flying Taxi Take Off

If you thought traffic nowadays is insane, just wait a few years more. Vertical Aerospace, an UK-based company, is the latest arrival an already crowded flying taxi parking lot.

Watch above as Vertical Aerospace’s eVTOL, short for electric vertical take-off and landing aircraft (or just flying taxi) completes its first unmanned flight over Cotswold Airport. If all goes well, by 2022 the company could bring 2-passenger flying cabs to the UK.

Vertical Airspace is a small company, with less than 30 employees, but it dreams big. It was funded in 2016 by OVO Energy CEO Stephen Fitzpatrick and employs former Formula 1 engineers, so it does bring some new developments in the flying taxi business

“We’ve learned a lot from Formula 1, both in terms of technology and pace of development. The lightweight materials, aerodynamics and electrical systems developed through F1 are highly applicable to aircraft, much more so than to road transport,” said Mr. Fitzpatrick.

Of course, the race is definitely on. Companies like Uber, Kitty Hawk, Airbus, Terrafugia, and even Rolls-Royce have already announced plans for flying cars and taxis, and something tells us the queue is only going to grow bigger. With plenty of drones taking to the skies as well, the future definitely seems to resemble the Jetsons cartoons.

Also read: ✍Aston Martin Shows Off a Flying Car Concept Worthy of James Bond✍

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