
Xbox Series S Coming This November With 4X the Processing Power of Xbox One

For the past few months, we’ve seen so many Xbox rumors and leaks that probably even Microsoft got bored of hearing about them.

Now, the company finally came forward. It announced both the Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X next-gen consoles.

Looking for a powerful console on a budget?

The Xbox Series S will be available for $300 (or $24.99 in the monthly installment plan). 

That’s almost half the price of its big Series X brother, an impressive deal considering they essentially have the same CPU.

“Xbox Series S delivers four times the processing power of an Xbox One console and supports experiences up to 120fps,” promises Liz Hamren, head of platform engineering and hardware at Xbox.

Both the Series S and X have a Zen 2-based CPU, only the Series S runs at 3.6Hz instead of the X’s 3.8 GhZ.

Ok, so what’s so different beyond that and what should you choose?

“The primary difference between Xbox Series X and S is the GPU,” explained Jason Ronald, Microsoft’s director of Xbox program management, who also added that “many of our fans prioritize framerate over resolution, so we wanted to build a console that didn’t require a 4K TV.”

So, if you’re looking for 4K, Xbox Series X is what you want to save up for (though you should see how you can pay for it in monthly installments).

If you’re satisfied by 1440p, the Xbox Series S will more than do the trick.

Pre-orders open on September 22 and both consoles land on the shelves on November 10, so you have plenty of time to decide.

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