MWC 2018

3 Ways To Use Mobile Authentication Safely with Xperi’s Sumat Mehra

As Mobile World Congress Shanghai came to an end, we realized just how much tech companies focus on identity and security right now. Jai Rajaraman’s words came to mind and we were curious to find out how companies are capitalizing on this trend, how they’re planning to make users feel safe enough to lend their biometrics for mobile authentication, payments and more. Sumat Mehra, SVP & GM of Mobile at Xperi, shared the three technologies that are incremental to a safer future. #ttllive #mwcs18

In our talk about biometrics, Sumat painted a vivid picture of the security methods the tech world has employed so far. Passcodes, that we have used for decades now, are today hacked so easily that they are bound to become obsolete soon. Or, they will be kept as an optional authentication method, after more advanced ones, like fingerprints. 

Fingerprints are now ubiquitous, while facial recognition is on the rise even if it’s not fool-proof. Sumat Mehra pointed out that 2D capture for registration can be fooled with a high-res picture. That is why tech giants like Apple have taken the next step and used their dual cameras to capture depth and enable 3D face recognition.

“The highest level of authentication you can get from a human biometric is the eye”

Is this the final stop for a secure future? Not even close. Sumat believes iris recognition is the best solution right now for users that fear for the manipulation of their data.  That’s because iris analysis has extremely low chances of false results, since even identical twins don’t share the same iris texture. The challenge in bringing this forward is the bill of materials, because you put a sensor in there just to solve one problem. That said, until a couple of years ago, phones with dual cameras or more were also considered a stretch… until the benefits outweighed the bill of materials.

But this is not as impossible as it seems, since “as we move in the xR future, where you’ll be wearing your mobile phone, there will be devices that will be tracking your eye.” Xperi’s Iris XR was developed for this scenario and it is delivered on a secure, self-contained platform (not your standard SoC).

“The next phone will have a pair of glasses form factor, where the world becomes the display”

The other two requirements for safe mobile authentication are on the edge processing, which Xperi offers while keeping the power consumption very low, and anti-spoofing. Watch the video above to understand how Xperi can enable all three!

Also read: The Magic of Biometrics: Trust Your Eyes, Veins And Voice To Keep Your Data Safe! (III)

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