Smart Life

Out Of Ideas? Look How This Guy Used 17 Square Meters Of Mirror For An Amazing Photo


Are you experiencing a photography dry spell? Try getting out of your comfort zone and follow people who are putting their imagination to good use behind the camera. Erik Johansson is one of them – photographer and a Photoshop know-it-all you can’t get mad on. His latest project involved 17 square meters of mirror – you have to see the “behind the scenes” video to believe the #fotomagic!

Johansson is known for his surreal photos and the dreamy landscape above is no different. Called Impact, it blends seamlessly a lake surface to the kayak – broken glass situation Erik created. Of course, Photoshop played a big role but it’s an art to make it just right, hiding the fine line between reality and illusion:

” This is an image I’ve been working on for the past months. I wanted to create an image where a lake is breaking up as a mirror. I wanted to make the effect look as realistic as possible so I decided to buy 17 square meters of mirrors last summer and brought out the mirrors, a boat and the model to a stone-pit.”


If you’re interested in the gear used, Johansson gives all the details: “Hasselblad H5D-40, Edited on a Eizo CG318-4k monitor with Adobe Photoshop, filmed with 4k GoPro”.

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