
Energizer P18K Pop’s Campaign Turned Out to Be a Disaster

energizer 18000 battery cell

With its enormous battery and eye-catching dimensions, the Energizer P18K Pop really drew a crowd at MWC 2019. If only the phone’s IndieGoGo campaign could live up to the expectations…

The campaign launched by Avenir Telecom was a total fail. With a goal of 1.2 million, it only achieved $15,005 from only 11 backers.

See here what the phone offered in terms of specs and features!

It’s a pity the campaign didn’t work out, especially because the phone offered something different. The company did try to fulfill one of smartphone users’ biggest dreams – having a handset with a very big and long-lasting battery – but the price was a turn-off.

Its early bird price of $549 couldn’t compete with BlackView, for example, which offers 10,000mAh+ for far less money. Granted, their phones don’t have a pop-up camera, but it seems that such a gimmick isn’t enough to convince backers.

Despite the sad results, the company seems optimistic. “Although it didn’t reach its goal, we will work on further improvement on the P18K (design, thickness, etc.) as we do believe there is a rising interest for smartphones with incredible battery life, which can also be used as power banks,” they stated on the crowdsourcing platform.

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