
Hyperloop TT Strikes Deal With China To Build Test Track

Credit: Hyperloop Transportation Technologies

Hyperloop is moving fast. After bringing the concept to Abu Dhabi, as well as building two more test tracks in France, the company has now struck a deal with China, promising to build a test track in the province Guizhou.

The route will be covering a distance of 10 km, which comes as a surprise as it barely seems enough to allow the vehicle to reach the promised speeds it boasted about.

China does not allow many companies to operate within the country unless they have local connections, so the deal with Hyperloop Transportation Technologies (HTT) is establishing the track project as a domestic operation.

Credit: Hyperloop Transportation Technologies

Hence, HTT will be developing the technology and provide engineering expertise as well as designing the equipment, while the city will be in charge of building the entire thing and certifying the tube. Financing the project will also be a joint effort, split equally between the city and HTT, the latter also drawing funds from investors.

In addition, Hyperloop signed an agreement in the USA to build a route that will connect Cleveland and Chicago, which is expected to be completed by the end of 2018. On the other side of the pond, the HTT struck a deal for the construction of hyperloop systems in Ukraine.

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