
iOS 12 Public Beta Available Now

ios 12 public beta

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Can’t wait to get your hands on iOS 12? The public beta went live hours ago, allowing anyone, even without a developer account, to download and try the new features.

Because the public beta is behind the developer beta release schedule, that means that the newest version of iOS should be more stable.

✍With iOS 12, Your AirPods Can Become Hearing Aids✍

You can find the iOS 12 beta here and load it to any device capable of running iOS 11 – any iPhone newer than the iPhone 5S is compatible. However, do make sure to back up your data, since a beta is guaranteed to come with a bundle of bugs and you could risk losing your device contents.

✍iOS 12 Could Stop iPhone-Cracking Devices✍

In catchy figures, iOS 12 promises up to 70% faster swipe to Camera, up to 50% faster keyboard display and up to 2X faster app launch under a heavy workload, not to mention FaceTime for up to 32 friends.

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