Pokémon Legends: Arceus

Pokémon x Nature x Adventure Project Potentially Related to Pokémon Legends: Arceus

PC: The Pokémon Company

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A new Pokémon trailer dropped in Japan! But it’s definitely not like any trailer we’ve seen before.

It shows a mysterious figure taking natural resources and building delicately hand crafted Pokémon. To do so, the person seemingly uses more traditional methods of craftwork. An acoustic version of the Pokémon theme plays over it all in the background.

Nintendo Life reports that this is a “Pokémon x Nature x Adventure project for the Japanese market.” Given the theme of Pokémon Legends: Arceus – that is, an open-world Pokémon set in ancient Japan – this type of promotional work might tie in nicely with the game.

The trailer itself leaves a lot to mystery, so hopefully we’ll get more information soon!

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Pokémon x Nature x Adventure Project Potentially Related to Pokémon Legends: Arceus

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