When Animal Crossing: New Horizons and Doom Eternal released on the same day, gamers had to make the unenviable decision of choosing...
In early January, the Pokémon Company unexpectedly announced they would be remastering Pokémon Mystery Dungeon for the Switch. A cult classic originally...
Although March through May will be an exciting time for gamers, early 2020 has been fairly light. Few, if any, big titles...
When someone is comitted to a brand, whether it’s fashion or, in this case, tech, all the signs are there. They don’t...
Getting out of your comfort zone is never easy and it doesn’t always pay off. But when it does… it’s pretty memorable....
It doesn’t matter how digitized our world has become, you’ll always find one thing in a writer or a creative’s bag: a...
It’s been a long time in the making, I know. Maybe if we tested a phone less ambitious, less awaited by gamers...
Let’s get things straight: Pokémon Sword and Shield are fun games. It is an elevated Pokémon experience in many ways and I...
Although Luigi’s Mansion had its humble beginnings on the GameCube, it has grown a large enough following to become one of Nintendo’s...
It rivals headphones that are double or triple the price, believe it or not. Everyone who knows me can tell you I...
I’ve been a couch potato for as long as I remember. No, really. When I didn’t skip channels or, more recently, open...
Some of you might remember that, about a week ago, I got introduced to the K Ring and even spoke a little...
Update 6/14: When asked about the issue with the heart rate sensor that we noticed during our testing, Nubia answered: “[The nubia...
Xiaomi Mi 9 has been making the rounds since its announcement on February 20, the same day Samsung Unpacked took place. We...
Any deviation from the current state of affairs will always draw its naysayers. Change is never embraced fully, never by all, so...