
Technology Hub Area 2071 Opens in Dubai

dubai area 2071

Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid opened the first technology hub of its kind in the heart of Dubai. Area 2071 will be the place where the visionaries of today will design the future #todaymagic

Area 2071 headquarters are in Emirates Towers, where Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid hopes to bring together brilliant minds and organizations. Why “2071”? Well, the hub’s goal is to achieve the UAE Centennial Vision for 2071. Based on a lecture by Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, this vision is about focusing on the country’s soft power, improving the economy and nation’s productivity, while keeping the Emirati values alive.

By achieving this primary goal, the nation’s leaders are convinced that future UAE generations will benefit from a happier life, with more opportunities and ultimately, influence. So, Area 2071 will make sure to bring under the same umbrella entrepreneurs, small and medium businesses and government programmes.

“Area 2071 will be the interface in which creative individuals and organisations will present suitable solutions for the major challenges facing humanity and will design the world’s future.”, said Sheikh Mohammed, according to the state news agency.

In other words, this technology hub will see individuals from private sectors shake hands with those retaining government positions. Bumps in the road are expected, but let’s hope they’ll be small enough to walk over. If that should happen, then we can expect great technological advancements surging from here. After all, Dubai is now the home of the first Robocop in existence, local authorities will soon bring hover taxis to residents and might be the first place where underwater villas will come to fruition.  Plus, the UAE is ready to invest in a project that would allow them to establish a colony on Mars.

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