
Top Android Phones Easily Beat The iPhone X, Report Shows

In terms of modem performance, Google Pixel 2 and Samsung Galaxy Note 8 significantly outperform the iPhone X.

The news comes from PC Mag, who posted test data exclusively obtained from Cellular Insights. According to that report, the Pixel 2, Note 8 and LG V30 can get double the download speeds per channel compared to the iPhone X.

iphone x comparison google pixel 2 modem speeds


The report also compares the two different modems, Qualcomm and Intel, found in the iPhone X. While the Qualcomm modem allowed for greater speeds than that of Intel’s, both consistently underperformed relative to its competitors. You can find the full report here.

This report comes out the same week that Apple was sued for economic damages and other harm after admitting it slowed down older iPhones intentionally. Apple has admitted to limiting speeds on phones older than a year but claimed it was doing so to offer optimal performance. Even with this statement, the plaintiffs Stephan Bogdanovich and Dakota Speas plan to file a class-action suit. So far, Apple has not a released a statement about the PC Mag report or the potential lawsuit.

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