Pawsitively Innovative: This Is the First e-Health House for Your Cat

CES 2020 is just around the corner and the most innovative devices for next year are about to show up.

First off is this e-health house for cats, the first of its kind.

It might look like an unassuming covered litter box or perhaps a self-cleaning one. But no.

According to its makers, it’s the first patented medical and connected litter box.

Once your furball steps in, sensors will start checking and tracking its health and wellness by “observing the behavior of the animal, controlling its weight and carrying out a biological analysis at home”.

Right now, we don’t have any more details about how this smart litter box actually works, so check back early January, we’ll try to find it at CES and see what it does.

However, as experience has taught us, there are two outcomes for any device of this kind:

  1. The cat either chooses to spend time in the cardboard packaging it came in.
  2. The cat will sniff at the smart litter box, maybe poke its head in to investigate, then start yowling at the door.

Hopefully, the CES Innovation Award 2020 is very well curated, so this smart litter box could actually have some smart tricks to convince cats to try it.

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