Gorillaz is one band ahead of its time. The unconventional cartoon band found a unique way to debut its album globally – through...
Magic Leap has been asking everyone – press, developers, future users – to take a leap of faith and believe in the idea...
Burger King came up with a genius infuriating idea for its latest ad campaign. (Un)Fortunately, it backfired and hours later, Google itself found...
When it comes to endorsing devices, Apple is pretty cautious. You won’t see just any product pop on their online store. Most...
If you’re not close to the ocean and don’t take advantage of windy days, it’s kind of hard to learn how to surf....
Remember the startling discovery about the Bixby physical button? That it could be used to trigger other functions? Well, it’s not true anymore....
If you’ve never been a fan of spiders (especially ninja ones, those you don’t see until they get you), you’re not going to...
This month, LG and Samsung are racing each other with every weapon and skill they have. LG G6 got a head start with...
Nikon D7500 is here, folks, and it’s a big departure from the previous D7200. In fact, it borrows many features from D500,...
Tesla is getting healthy competition this year. General Motors will launch Super Cruise, its own semi-autonomous system for cars, this fall #automagic...
One door closes, another opens. In the case of smartphones, the more we invest in tech that can make them secure, the more...
Iris authentication has potential. Unlike face recognition, which can be tricked with a high-resolution photo, or fingerprint authentication that can be fooled with...
Counting the days until April 21st? Having the prettiest smartphone on the market in your pocket can make anyone giddy. Frankly, we...
Slippery hands, floor tile? Recipe for disaster. There’s a big chance you’ll drop your smartphone and do the “walk of shame” to the...
After 11 years of development and at least six of flight tests, the U.S. Navy is ready to release tiny spies in...