The researchers at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California have created something they named ‘supersonic ice’, subsequently dubbed Ice XVIII, and it...
Every year in the U.S, around two million people are infected with resistant bacteria. Out of them, at least 23,000 will die...
Styrofoam, though it does its job well, is definitely not our friend: it’s not good for the environment at all and yet...
When natural disasters or other emergencies like wildfires or chemical spills happen, one of the most important things to do is get...
Our imaging technology has advanced significantly in the past decade but even so, the vast majority of breast cancer patients often do...
When we think about robots, we think about gears, cogs and metal, we don’t really associate the word with something soft and...
Not one to be drowned out by all the planned announcements Google will make at its I/O event, Microsoft debuted a new...
That’s a headline you won’t read everyday but it goes well with the fact that the Detective Pikachu movie is about to...
Ever since technology started to bleed more and more into our everyday lives, we have often found ourselves turning to it for...
Microsoft just announced three new services designed to simplify machine learning. The series starts with a new interface to create models automatically,...
Recently, we told you about the published AI book regarding lithium batteries. So when it comes to machine learning, we can only...
We’re slowly introducing robots into every area of our lives, be they humanoid-looking or not, so it was just a matter of...
Regardless if you’ve been a Star Wars fan since you were a child or just recently found a passion for the series,...
You can find people all around the globe who are stuck on the organ transplant list for years – there are over...
In case you were feeling a bit arrogant about your place in the world today, here’s something to bring things back into...