In 2020, Japan is going to host the Olympics, an international event that will see the best athletes from all over the...
After James Young, biological scientist, lost his left arm in a train accident, he didn’t believe he could resume his life, his daily...
A Brazilian start-up is working on an wheelchair that could change the life of people with disabilities. The Wheelie is powered by...
What’s stronger than glass but equally transparent? See-through wood #objectmagic Scientists at the University of Maryland pulled color and chemicals away from...
We’re accustomed to taking care of plants obsessively, especially at the beginning, when we don’t understand why their leaves get yellow or...
Not all robots are meant to tower over humans and display their power menacingly. MIT’s origami bot is so tiny, it can...
Scientists from MIT might have found a more durable, healthier way to give back the youthful aspect of our skin, protect us...
Now, machines read novels, come up with creative concepts and win rounds at extremely complex games. What’s next for AI? Designing clothes. One machine designed...
Amputees will no longer get attached by the idea of a phantom limb if Canada’s Simon Fraser University bionic hand project becomes widely...
There are no magical pills in this world or arguments to make someone give up smoking if they’re not convinced every cigarette...
The idea of beating death and resurrecting human beings has always been the Holy Grail in the scientific community; the end objective...
Remember the CareKit update Apple announced at their event one month ago? The software platform with open source is meant to help...
Unless you’re invested with extreme perception and great empathy, it’s hard to “read” anyone like an open book. Many of us hide...
A team of researchers from Rice University managed to unite two carbon nanotubes in a long nanowire with the help of a...
In #todaymagic, one of the companies owned by Alphabet, Schaft, showed its progress on a bipedal robot that could replace the need...