In a world of escapism and entertainment, where technology is used to experience modified realities and provide comic relief, you might be...
Apple is a “go big or go home” kind of tech player. This was especially true when Tim Cook dropped a hint...
It’s no longer a secret that cosmetics based company Lush is very active in supporting global causes, dedicated to wildlife protection and...
It looks like Apple is working on an app codenamed “Green Torch“, which will be an updated version of the Find My...
WhatsApp received a new update which enables it to support biometric authentication on iOS. iPhone users can now either use Face ID...
Apple seems to have gone on a banning spree in the past couple of days: the company first blocked Facebook’s ability to...
Spotify, being one of the leading music streaming platforms out there, is available on both the iOS and the Android systems but...
Update: After testing this photo upload bug with the latest Facebook iOS update, version 197.00, we found that Facebook solved the issue,...
Lotus is a new device that comes from a company called Seam and it is intended to act as your very own...
Google just announced a new feature that will operate within the Google Assistant, called a “visual snapshot”. Thanks to this feature, it...
Security researcher Patrick Wardle has written a report about the iOS 11.3 including a bug that crashed users’ devices whenever the word...
[adrotate group=”9″] Can’t wait to get your hands on iOS 12? The public beta went live hours ago, allowing anyone, even without...
Apple is once again finding itself in trouble after an Australian court ruled that the company breached the Australian consumer law. Multiple...
Apple’s World Wide Developers Conference (WWDC) 2018 is still a week away and while everyone is waiting to see what iOS 12...
Valve’s Steam Link for iOS was about to come live on mobile this week after uploading the beta version on Google Play. Valve...